Namespace Aspose.Tasks.Visualization

Namespace Aspose.Tasks.Visualization


Class NameDescription
AssignmentViewColumnProject’s view class.
BarStyleChange the visual style of the bar for the item in the project view.
FontDescriptorRepresents font information.
GanttBarStyleRepresents a bar style used by MSP in Gantt Chart view.
GanttChartColumnProject’s view class
GridlineThe horizontal or vertical line that appears in the project view.
GridlinesRepresents gridlines that appear in a GanttChart view.
HeaderFooterInfoRepresents header or footer data which is present in views and used for printing.
PageInfoRepresents page setup data which is present in MPP file format and used for printing.
PageLegendRepresents a page legend which is used for project printing.
PageMarginsRepresents page margins for printing.
PageSettingsRepresents printing settings for a page of project view.
PageViewSettingsRepresents printing settings for a project view.
ProgressLinesRepresents progress lines in a Gantt Chart view.
ProjectViewProject’s view class
RecurringIntervalRepresents recurring intervals used in progress lines of a Gantt Chart view.
ResourceViewColumnProject’s view class used in ResourceUsage view and ResourceSheet view.
TableTextStyleRepresents a text style in a view table.
TaskTextStyleEventArgsThis class represents set of data that related to the rendering of table cell’s content.
TextStyleChange the visual style of the text for an item in the project view.
TimescaleTierRepresents a single tier of the timescale on a Gantt Chart.
ViewColumnRepresents a column in a project view.
VisualObjectPlacementRepresents placement and appearance of Aspose.Tasks.OleObject in a view.


Interface NameDescription
ITextStyleModificationCallbackRepresents a callback that is called before TextStyle is applied to a table cell.


Enum NameDescription
BarItemTypeItem type to change a bar style for.
BarShapeShape of a bar rectangle.
BorderSpecifies the type borders.
DateLabelSpecifies the display format for date and time labels in a timescale.
RecurringInterval.DayTypeRepresents a day type used in progress lines.
FillPatternFill pattern used in middle shape of a gantt bar.
FontStylesSpecifies style information applied to text.
GanttBarEndShapeRepresents end shape in bars and progress points in progress lines.
GanttBarFillPatternA shape’s fill pattern.
GanttBarMiddleShapeSpecifies the middle shape of a bar.
GanttBarShowForRepresents categories of tasks used when customizing Bar Styles of Gantt chart.
GanttBarTypeSpecifies the bar type.
GridlineTypeType of gridline.
HorizontalAlignmentSpecifies how an object or text is horizontally aligned relative to another object.
HorizontalStringAlignmentSpecifies the alignment of a text string relative to its layout rectangle.
IntervalSpecifies recurring intervals to display progress lines at.
LegendSpecifies the possible options used when rendering view’s legend.
LinePatternLine pattern.
PageSizeSpecifies page size.
PresentationFormatEnumeration for presentation format.
PrinterPaperSizeSpecifies the paper size which is used for printing.
ReportTypeType of the project’s graphical report.
ShapeShape of a marker at the beginning or end of the bar style to be rendered when saving view data to some of Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveFileFormat.
TextItemTypeItem type to change a text style for.
TimescaleDefines options which specifies how to render timescale in Gantt Chart, Task Usage or Resource Usage views when the project is exported to a graphic format.
TimescaleUnitSpecifies the unit of time for any tier of a timescale in a Gantt chart or other time phased view.



ResourceAssignment data to column’s string converter.


Represents a converter method to convert date to string in view timescale tiers.


Resource’s data to column’s string converter.


Custom converter of task’s data to bar text.


Task’s data to column’s string converter.