Enum TextItemType

Enum TextItemType

Namespace: Aspose.Tasks.Visualization
Assembly: Aspose.Tasks.dll (25.2.0)

Item type to change a text style for.

public enum TextItemType


Allocated = 21

Allocated text item.

AssignmentRow = 6

Assignment row.

BarTextBottom = 13

Bar Text Bottom text item.

BarTextInside = 14

Bar Text Inside text item.

BarTextLeft = 15

Bar Text Left text item.

BarTextRight = 16

Bar Text Right text item.

BarTextTop = 17

Bar Text Top text item.

BottomTimescaleTier = 8

Bottom timescale tier.

ChangedCells = 22

Changed cells.

CriticalTasks = 1

Critical tasks.

ExternalTasks = 20

External tasks text item.

InactiveTasks = 4

Inactive tasks.

MarkedTasks = 18

Marked task text item.

MiddleTimescaleTier = 9

Middle timescale tier.

MilestoneTasks = 3

Milestone tasks.

NoncriticalTasks = 2

Noncritical tasks.

OverallocatedResources = 11

Over allocated resources.

ProjectSummary = 19

Project summary task text item.

Resources = 10

Resource sheet.

RowColumnTitles = 0

Row and column titles.

SummaryTasks = 5

Summary tasks.

TaskFilterHighlight = 12

Task Filter Highlight text item.

TopTimescaleTier = 7

Top timescale tier.