Namespace Aspose.TeX.Features

Namespace Aspose.TeX.Features


Class NameDescription
FigureRendererImplements rendering of some LaTeX compact content (supposed to fit one page) and then cropping it from the page.
FigureRendererOptionsCommon options for rendering a LaTeX source code fragment.
LaTeXRepairerImplements LaTeX files repair feature.
LaTeXRepairerOptionsThe class to provide options to the LaTeX Repairer.
MathRendererImplements rendering of math formula.
MathRendererOptionsMath formula common rendering options.
PngFigureRendererImplements rendering of some LaTeX compact content (supposed to fit one page) and then cropping it from the page as a PNG image.
PngFigureRendererOptionsOptions for rendering a LaTeX source code fragment to PNG.
PngMathRendererImplements rendering of math formula to PNG.
PngMathRendererOptionsMath formula PNG rendering options.
SvgFigureRendererImplements rendering of some LaTeX compact content (supposed to fit one page) and then cropping it from the page as an SVG file.
SvgFigureRendererOptionsOptions for rendering a LaTeX source code fragment to SVG.
SvgMathRendererImplements rendering of math formula to SVG.
SvgMathRendererOptionsMath formula SVG rendering options.


Interface NameDescription
IGuessPackageCallbackDefines the interface for an external method to guess a required LaTeX package by command name.
IRasterRendererOptionsThe interface that defines properties of a raster image renderer.