Namespace Aspose.Zip.Xar

Namespace Aspose.Zip.Xar


Class NameDescription
CancelEntryEventArgsEvent arguments for entry related events.
EntryEventArgsEvent arguments for entry related events.
EventsBagEvents container used on Aspose.Zip.Xar.XarArchive saving.
XarArchiveThis class represents xar archive file.
XarBzip2CompressionSettingsSettings for Bzip2 compression method.
XarCompressionSettingsSettings needed for compressor to work.
XarDirectoryEntryRepresents directory entry within xar archive.
XarEntryRepresents single entry within xar archive.
XarFileEntryRepresents file entry within xar archive.
XarLoadOptionsOptions with which archive is loaded from compressed file.
XarSaveOptionsOptions for saving a xar archive.
XarStoreCompressionSettingsSettings for Store compression method.
XarZlibCompressionSettingsSettings for Zlib compression method.